Protest Warrior Cry Series 2020: Inspired by the reinvigorated anti-racist movement after the tragic racially motivated murders of #GeorgeFloyd, #BreonnaTaylor and #AhmaudArbery and other BIPOC people killed as a result of institutional racism. This artwork was licensed for the 2023 Amazon Prime comedy miniseries "I'm a Virgo" created by Boots Riley. The first in a series of artwork centered around Racial justice chants, “Ain’t No Power Like The Power of the People” was created in celebration of Juneteenth. Juneteenth is a symbol of total freedom. It is the first nationally celebrated holiday of the end of slavery for the last people still in chains in the United States. June 19, 1865 – nearly 160 years ago, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, remote Texan slaves finally received news that they were no longer the property of slave owners. The origin of the chant is unknown, although multiple musicians and movements have utilized it. The meaning: The people have the power to bring about change. The colors in this series are symbolic and represent the Pan-African colors of red, green, black and gold. • The red is symbolic of the blood that unites all people of Black African ancestry, and the blood shed for redemption and liberation. • The green is symbolic of the abundant natural wealth of Africa; the luxuriant vegetation of the Motherland. • The black is symbolic of strength and creativity and of the noble and distinguished race to which Black people belong. • The gold is symbolic for hope, justice, and equality. Art prints available for sale on my ETSY. I sell art prints as a means to support my independence as an artist.